
一、中国菜-中国八大菜系 Chinese food - China eight big cuisines


Cuisine, also known as the "help menu", refers to the choice of materials,cut with, cooking skills, the long-term evolution of self-contained, with adistinct local flavor characteristics, and recognized as social Chinese dietdishes schools. Chinese Han Nationality Diet Culture of cuisine, is in a certain area, because of the climate, geography, history, products and food customs of different, after a long historical evolution and the formation of a set of self-contained cooking skills and flavor, and is recognized across the country's local dishes. As early as in the spring and autumn and Warring States period, China Han nationality diet culturethe North South flavor dishes showed differences. To the Tang and Song Dynasties, southern, northern food each forming system. To the development of the early Qing Dynasty, Shandong, Jiangsu cuisine,Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, became the most influential local cuisine, known as the "four major styles of cooking". To the end of the Qing Dynasty, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan, Anhui, four new regional cuisinesdifferentiation, constitute the cuisine of China Han diet "". In addition to the "eight cuisine" and more influential in Chinese cuisine, such as:Dongbei cuisine, the cuisine, Jiangxi cuisine, Hubei, Henan, Hebei cuisine,Beijing cuisine, Hakka cuisine, halal food cuisine.

鲁、Shandong(lu)                            鲁菜
川、Sichuan(chuan)                        川菜
苏、Jiangsu(Su)                               苏菜
粤、Guangdong(Yue)                      粤菜
闽、Fujian(Min)                                 闽菜
浙、Zhejiang(Zhe)                           浙菜
徽、Anhui(Hui)                                  徽菜
湘、Hunan(Xiang)                            湘菜

