
How Alibaba turned 1111 into $$$$

Sad and lonely? Alibaba says buy yourself something nice on "11.11," when China's unattached celebrate being single.
Alibaba's site TMall is just one online retailer that's delivering sales on Tuesday to encourage singles to buy gifts for themselves.Screenshot by Donna Tam/CNET
Bummed that you're home alone on date night yet again? Don't worry. A new watch or some scuba gear could help.
At least that's the philosophy behind Singles Day, a Chinese festival that encourages those untethered by a significant other to buy themselves gifts.
Observed on November 11 -- or "11.11," for the date with the most 1s -- Singles Day has become the world's biggest online shopping day, thanks to the e-commerce prowess of China's Alibaba Group. Alibaba holds promotions and sales each year on its shopping sites on November 11. This year, Singles Day lands on Tuesday, and it's expected to generate about $8.18 billion in sales for Alibaba, up 42 percent from last year, according to market research firm IDC.
The day started out as a joke among a group of male college students attending Nanjing University in the 1990s. Originally called Bachelor Day because it was celebrated only by young men, the holiday has since morphed into a nationwide holiday for all genders, with its own traditions, according to China Daily. People eat four fried dough sticks representing the four ones in 11.11. Blind-date parties and even matchmaking fairs have become popular November 11 events.
It wasn't long before merchants realized the marketing potential of the holiday. Five years ago, Alibaba, which is China's biggest e-commerce site, began holding its own 11.11 sales. Today, Alibaba's TMall and Taobao shopping sites are filled with 11.11 promotions from thousands of business partners. The gimmick is paying off. Last year, Alibaba sold twice what all US companies sold on Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined -- those are the Friday and Monday, respectively, after Thanksgiving.
"Alibaba has picked up on it and made it its own, much like Hallmark has picked up on Valentine's Day and every other holiday," said Marlene Morris Towns, marketing professor at Georgetown University's McDonough School of Business. "It's been great for their business so far, and I think Amazon would do well to jump on it as well."
Amazon's Chinese site is entering its second year of promotions for Singles Day.Screenshot by Donna Tam/CNET
Amazon has tried to get a piece of the action. The Seattle-based company launched promotions for the holiday last year on its Chinese site, and it's done so again this year, promoting several brands including scuba gear maker Cressi, health tech company Withings and fashion brand Vivienne Westwood. It's unclear how much revenue the day generated for Amazon.cn last year, because the company doesn't break out sales figures by region.
For Alibaba, last year's holiday translated into $5.75 billion in sales, breaking the previous year's record of $3.14 billion. It dwarfs the US's biggest online shopping day, Cyber Monday, which reached $1.46 billion in sales in 2013.
Now Alibaba has decided to take its 11.11 promotions worldwide, highlighting global brands including online jewelry store Blue Nile and clothing brand Juicy Couture. Even Costco is on board. The US-based bulk discount retailer joined Tmall in October and is promising five-day international shipping for 11.11.
"It's something that could be pretty easily promoted" in the US, said Towns. "As more people here wait to get married and get more settled into their careers and their independent lives, there's an opportunity to counter, say, Valentine's Day."

Apec summit: China and Japan in ice-breaker talks

The body language of the two leaders did not suggest they were comfortable

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The leaders of China and Japan have met for formal talks after more than two years of severe tension over a territorial dispute.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe met on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) summit in Beijing.
Their first meeting included a public handshake with little sign of warmth.
In a speech to Apec, President Obama has meanwhile announced big changes to visa arrangements with China.
Multiple entry short-term visas for businessmen and tourists will be extended to 10 years - up from one year.
Those for students rise from one year to five.
Mr Obama also stressed the importance of ties between China and the US, saying "the US welcomes the rise of a prosperous, peaceful and stable China."
His comments come amid underlying tension between the US and China over Beijing's growing regional influence.
For President Xi Jinping, making China strong is a national priority, as Carrie Gracie explains
Analysis: Carrie Gracie, BBC China editor
After two years of Chinese animosity towards Japan's new prime minister, President Xi has finally relented.
Today's face-to-face meeting with Shinzo Abe is important progress in relations between the world's second and third largest economies.
But the underlying disagreements over territory and history remain as bitter as ever. And even Mr Xi's body language at today's meeting was calculatedly icy.
During the handshake he did not smile or respond to Mr Abe's attempt at conversation.
For all the fireworks and group photographs, this summit brings together neighbours with different worldviews at a difficult moment in history.
Relations between China and Japan have long been soured by a row over islands in the East China Sea.
The uninhabited but strategically important islands, known as Diaoyu by China and Senkaku by Japan, are controlled by Japan but also claimed by China.
Tokyo's decision to purchase three of them from their private Japanese owner in September 2012 led to an escalation in a dispute that has rumbled quietly for years.
Leaders at the Apec summit in Beijing, 10 November 2014Trade is at the heart of the two-day summit
The Chinese and Japanese leaders interacted awkwardly as they posed for an unsmiling photo after their talks.
Mr Abe said the meeting - which came three days after the two sides agreed to work to prevent the territorial dispute from escalating - was "the first step for improving ties by returning to mutually beneficial relations based on common strategic interests".
He also said they had agreed to start preparations to establish a maritime crisis mechanism.
There have been fears that a clash - accidental or otherwise - between Chinese and Japanese paramilitary vessels patrolling waters around the disputed islands could trigger a conflict.
Mr Xi told Mr Abe that China hoped Japan would follow a path of peaceful development and adopt prudent military and security policies.
Relations have also been hampered by what China sees as Japan's failure to adequately acknowledge its war-time conduct.
The Islands
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes looks at the dispute over the islands
  • The eight uninhabited islands and rocks have a total area of about 7 sq km
  • They are close to strategically important shipping lanes - the waters also offer rich fishing grounds and are thought to contain oil deposits
  • The islands are controlled by Japan
  • China says they have been part of its territory since ancient times
  • Separately, Taiwan also claims the islands
Leaders from the 21 Apec member-nations are in Beijing for two days of talks.
Apec, which includes 21 Pacific Rim nations, includes 40% of the world's population, with member countries accounting for about 44% of global trade and more than half of global economic output.
The summit takes place as China looks to underline its growing status as regional leader and economic giant.
It is the biggest event hosted so far by Mr Xi, who took over the Chinese presidency in March 2013, and trade is one of the top priorities.
The BBC's Martin Patience was blocked from visiting dissident Hu Jia in Beijing
In other summit developments:
  • China and South Korea have agreed to sign a bilateral free-trade deal which will remove or reduce most barriers to trade and investment between the two countries
  • Ahead of the summit Russia and China signed a major gas deal, pledging greater "mutually fruitful co-operation"
  • Beijing has also pledged $40bn (£25.2bn) to help Asian nations improve trade links
  • Australian PM Tony Abbott is to seek a "robust conversation" with Russia's President Vladimir Putin over the Malaysia Airlines plane brought down over Ukraine.


PetroChina on Course to Beat 2015 Sichuan Shale Output Target

Nov2014MarMayJulSep8.009.0010.0011.0012.00* Price chart for PETROCHINA CO LTD-H. Click flags for important stories.857:HK9.560.18 1.92%
PetroChina Co. (857), the country’s biggest oil and gas producer, is on course to surpass a 2.6 billion cubic meter target for shale gas production in 2015 from fields in the southwest province of Sichuan.
“Based on the production of our test wells, we are very confident to achieve or even beat our estimates for 2015,” Xie Jun, deputy general manager of unit Southwest Oil & Gasfield Co., said last week at the provincial capital Chengdu. The estimate is “very conservative” and newer technology may push the number much higher, he said.
PetroChina’s success in drilling for shale gas is good news for China, which is seeking to replicate the boom in the U.S. China’s hopes have rested on China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (386), known as Sinopec, which operates the nation’s largest shale-producing project in Fuling. The country halved its target of producing 60 billion cubic meters by 2020 because of geological challenges.
PetroChina aims to produce 5 billion cubic meters by 2017 and 12 billion cubic meters by the end of the decade, Xie said. Output this year may reach 200 million cubic meters and large-scale commercial production will begin in the first quarter of next year, he said.
The company has nine shale gas exploration rights in Sichuan and Chongqing. Four have started or are close to commercial production.
Photographer: Munshi Ahmed/Bloomberg
PetroChina Co. storage tanks stand on Jurong Island in Singapore. PetroChina’s success...Read More

‘Behind Sinopec’

“We are about a year and a half behind Sinopec in shale gas exploration because we concentrated our resources on the Longwangmiao natural gas project in Sichuan,” PetroChina President Wang Dongjin said in August. “We officially begin our shale gas exploration this year, and hopefully we will catch up in exploration production.”
Geographical structures in PetroChina’s fields in southern Sichuan are more difficult to drill through than the Fuling project and gas reservoirs have been smaller, Xie said.
PetroChina will invest 13 billion yuan ($2.1 billion) on Sichuan shale gas exploration and production this year and the first six months of next year. Drilling cost per well in the region is about 65 million yuan at present, which should come down following large-scale drilling and better understanding of the geology, said Zhou Zhibin, deputy general manager at Southwest Oil & Gasfield.
The company has about 3.9 trillion cubic meters of shale gas reserves in Sichuan and Chongqing, of which 1.5 billion cubic meters are buried in areas less than 4,000 meters (13,124 feet) deep. It will concentrate on exploring for the fuel in those relatively easy depths in the short term, Xie said.

Gas Pipelines

PetroChina owns about 27,000 kilometers (16,781 miles) of oil and gas pipelines in Sichuan and Chongqing, allowing it to transport the fuel to nearby markets, Zhou said. Shale gas output will be complimented by natural gas. The Longwangmiao site in southeast Sichuan will have the annual capacity to produce as much as 11 billion cubic meters of natural gas once construction is completed in August, he said.
PetroChina has signed a production-sharing contract with Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) in Sichuan and is in talks with ConocoPhillips (COP) for a similar partnership. Daren Beaudo, a spokesman for ConocoPhillips, declined to comment. PetroChina and ConocoPhillips signed an agreement to study the development of unconventional energy resources in the Sichuan basin last year.
Shell Chief Financial Officer Simon Henry said in September that the company may trim its China shale venture because of geological and population challenges in Sichuan.
PetroChina hasn’t received any official communication from Shell and believes the company has made good progress in its assigned area, Xie said.

‘Challenging Geology’

“We have completed most of the drilling work and the drilling of additional wells will continue into 2015,” Shell China spokesman Shi Jiangtao said in an e-mailed response to questions. “We see that the Sichuan geology is challenging and we are approaching this at the appropriate pace. We continue to evaluate and should know more towards the end of 2014 or first quarter 2015, when we will decide how to move forward with each of the projects.”
China plans to produce 6.5 billion cubic meters of shale gas by 2015.
To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Aibing Guo in Hong Kong ataguo10@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Jason Rogers at jrogers73@bloomberg.netAbhay Singh, Indranil Ghosh


Google合作伙伴日在京举行-Google partner day held in Beijing

Publisher: Google China pr
一年一度的“Google 合作伙伴日”活动于2014年8月12日,在北京金茂威斯汀饭店盛大召开。来自Google亚太区和中国区的高管出席此次活动。
Once a year the "Google partner day" on August 12, 2014, was held inBeijing Jinmao Westin hotel. From the Google Asia Pacific and ChineseDistrict executives attended the event.

Google战略合作拓展部亚太区总经理Michelle Guthrie和Google亚太区商业合作部总经理Jeff Galvin向与会者阐述了媒体未来的发展方向。为推进中国程序化购买的发展,Google大中华区总裁石博盟(Scott Beaumont)宣布在中国市场举办首个私有广告交易峰会。
Google strategic cooperation development department general manager of Asia Pacific region of Michelle Guthrie and Google Asia PacificBusiness Cooperation Department of Jeff Galvin to the participantselaborated the future direction of development of media. In order to promote the development China program to buy, Shi Boming is the president of Google Greater China (Scott Beaumont) announced in Chinamarket organized the first private advertising trade summit.

广告行业三大变革 The advertising industry three big changes

In the face of great environment changes quickly, Google put forward the "three great reconstruction" concept. Only from the Internet and advertising content, multi angle change, advertisers and media to better grasp the user, and obtain the maximum economic value.

Firstly, video, video, social media and other new forms of digital mediaand popular, is changing the media create content, the dissemination of the contents and the way of communicating with the users. But many of the media is also gradually using the new content and form, to promote participation and user interaction.

Secondly, in the fast development of Internet, the mobile terminal of the rapid popularization era, forms of communication, path and experience is also undergoing changes in turn the world upside down. Multi screen hasnot confined in the TV, computer, mobile phone and tablet, the auto in the future will include a variety of wearable devices, intelligent, and moreHome Furnishing equipment we never thought of.

最后,媒体一方面要从内容入手,增强用户的粘性,另一方面,又要与广告主共同寻找新的广告形式,以增强用户的互动性,使流量转换为营收。在以数字为核心的时代,重构广告,对于广大发布商既是挑战,也是机遇。Google亚太区商业合作部总经理Jeff Galvin表示:“程序化购买将是未来数字广告的发展趋势。”根据emarketer的数据显示,到2017年,将有一半的数字广告将实现程序化购买。
Finally, the media on the one hand to starting from content, enhance the user viscosity, on the other hand, but also with advertisers to find newforms of advertising, in order to enhance the interactivity of the user, so that the flow into the revenue. In digital is the core of the reconstructionera, advertising, for the vast majority of publishers is a challenge, but also opportunities. Google Asia Pacific General Manager CommercialCooperation Department Jeff Galvin said: "program to purchase will be the future development trend of digital advertising." According to emarketer data show that by 2017, there will be a digital advertising half will achieve program to buy.

Open the first domestic online advertising private trading market

Google大中华区总裁石博盟(Scott Beaumont)表示:“今天,Google在中国举办首场私有广告交易市场峰会,中国正在引领程序化购买的趋势”,而Google此次推出私有交易市场(PMP:Private Marketplace),旨在透过优化买卖双方资源配置,从而推动广告行业程序化购买发展的进程。
Shi Boming, the president of Google Greater China (Scott Beaumont)said: "today, Google held the first private advertising market summit in China, China is leading a program of buying trends", while the Googleand the launch of the private market (PMP:Private Marketplace), aims tooptimize both the allocation of resources, thus promoting the advertising industry development program to buy process.

The private market combines the public bidding and the advantages of direct marketing, media through advertising position will open to a specificadvertiser, achieve that can like open bidding by means of algorithms and data, accurate delivery, and can control and direct sales force havecomparable, ensure the media coverage and the brand safety.